Craig has devoted his entire life after sobriety to guiding others toward their own light, in their own way, in their own time. One of the fundamental understandings he has come to is that he was only able to recover this time, so quickly and so cleanly, because he was ready. He knows that God is always speaking to us, but we have to be open to listening in order to hear Him.
The mission of Washed Clean is to help addicts get ready to listen. This mission was founded by Craig and his wife, Nikki, and is run and supported by a team of caring individuals who are there to help clients succeed. The Washed Clean process involves a level of spirituality so intense that you are, indeed, washed clean. The idea is to empty out all the need for drugs and alcohol and fill that space with the loving embrace and gaze of God. Craig knows firsthand and from working with others that once you make that connection, the strong and unbreakable bond, you will never feel the urge to fill up with something destructive again. You can finally be free.
To put this mission into practice, Washed Clean provides spiritually based transitional living for its clients. Clients enter the program for 6 - 12 months, depending on which stage of recovery they are in. Washed Clean helps clients not only kick addiction but also reintegrate into society in safe and healthy ways. This takes the form of food and housing as well as job placement and support.

The Washed Clean Experience
Washed Clean Ministries takes a unique approach to addiction recovery. Addicts are asked to retreat to one of our houses for 3 months where they will be separated from all the temptations of life and will be inundated with God's love and a support team who will work with them in both a group setting and through one-on-one interactions. This intense journey of discovery is intended for those addicts who have been in and out of treatment and just haven't found the answer to beat addiction.
During this program, we will study the first 3 steps of the 12-Step Program. We will work to build a foundation that will carry you through the rest of the steps and into recovery aftercare.
Each week, clients will attend required meetings including 3 weekly recovery meetings, 1 weekly house meeting, and 1 weekly bible study. Our highly-structured facility with support staff will be available 24/7 to help with accountability. Each program will be tailored to client-specific needs.
To see if The Washed Clean Experience is right for you, please Contact Us to schedule an appointment.

One-on-One Sponsorship
After completing The Washed Clean Experience program, each client will be paired with a sponsor who will help them through the remaining steps of the 12-step program. Each coach is a former addict and will use this time to share how they conquered addiction, what struggles they faced and what changes they made to kick the habit.
Your sponsor will support you as you take inventory of your actions and learn to take responsibility for how it affected those around you. This is the toughest part of recovery so it's important that you have a strong support system to help you see it through.
After inventory has been recognized, clients will work on daily maintenance. Maintenance will last as long as it takes. Recovery is more about making a lifestyle change. It's easy to fall back into old habits, so that's why having a life coach is so important. They help you identify your triggers and give you tools on how to overcome temptation.
To find a sponsor, please Contact Us. Fees may apply.

Life Coaching
A life coach is someone that looks to empower others by helping them make, meet and exceed goals in both their personal and professional lives. At Washed Clean Ministries, our life coaches help people with major life transitions, such as a period following a major career shift, divorce or marriage, a new addition to the family, or even a death in the family. Life coaches will also help people that struggle with low self-esteem find the courage and confidence they need to tackle any roadblocks in their way. We often coach family members of addicts learn how to cope and be supportive while still remaining true to themselves.
For more information on how to get started, please Contact Us. Fees may apply.

Spiritually-Based Aftercare
After recovering from addiction and getting back into your usual environment, it can be very easy to slip back into old habits. Unfortunately, many addicts relapse multiple times before they finally conquer their afflictions. At Washed Clean Ministries, we believe it's important to walk alongside our clients, even after they've left our program.
We provide spiritually-based aftercare to anyone who has completed our recovery program and is trying to integrate back into society. We schedule one-on-one sessions once a month with each individual looking for that recurring accountability. We feel that individualizing this care, rather than using a group format, will help improve the chances of success.
For more information on how to get started, please Contact Us. Fees may apply.